For thermography, as a science and applied technology, Iristem is a pioneer engineering Company In Greece. With an embedded continuous development already since 1998.
Thermographic Inspection: undisputed excellence. >16.000 application hours in diagnostic thermography. Fused with 25 years in professional design, construction, maintenance of cutting-edge installations. Reference Performance Infrared Inspection Equipment; Level IIΙ Certification.
Thermal Cameras and Thermographic Systems: real added value in actually operating specs and features. Perfect dealing with application requirements and budget.
Training and Certification in Thermography: for managers, engineers and technical staff. Active Support of infrared camera users. With an established through experience reliability and leading edge specialization.
Explore our original web-site. Contact us NOW. Our Experts shall be glad to answer your questions / inquiries.
Ideal Participants: Operation, Construction and Maintenance Managers, Skilled Technicians, Technical Companies, INSURANCE Organizations, Freelancers. Experienced, Begginers or Candidate Thermographers.
Please contact us, in order to organize course in your Company / Organization / Country (Europe - Middle East).
Language of Course and Manual (626 pages): English
Iristem Engineering conducts the globally famous, Infraspection Level I Certified Infrared Thermograher® course; an extensive and intensive 40-hours certification training, for all application fields of thermography.
Predictive Maintenance (P/PM), Operation Monitoring, Systems Evaluation, Quality Assurance, Energy Conservation, Building Envelope Inspections, Active Thermography.
It covers: infrared theory, principles of heat transfer, specs and selection of infrared equipment, conformance with standards, thermal imaging analysis / interpretation and creation of professional diagnostic reporting.
Participants are trained in identification and documentation of faulty operation thermal patterns, due to design, workmanship and defective material. Extensive and numerous presentations are conducted in application fields of: electrical distribution systems, mechanical systems, refractory, petroleum indystry, materials inspection, building thermography.
Upon succesful course and (19) knowledge verification tests completion, participants are qualified for Level I exams. Certification card and diploma issued with passing grade of 80%. Course is approved by the InterNational Association of Certified Home Inspectors for 40 hours of continuing education and meets the training requirements for their Infrared Certified professional designation and logo.
Courses are conducted by Iristem, an authorized licensee of Infrapection Institute, in European Union and Middle East countries.