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IR Thermometers
- CSmicro | CS LT Series
CT Series
- Pyrometers optris CT LT and CTex LT
- Pyrometer optris CTfast LT for extremely fast temperature measurements
- Pyrometers optris CThot LT for extremely hot ambient temperature
- Pyrometeres optris CT 1Μ/2Μ for high-temperature measurements of metals
- Pyrometer optris CT 3M for low-temperature measurements of metal
- Pyrometer optris CT G5 for glass temperature measurement
- Pyrometer optris CT P3 for tempertature measurements of thin plastic films PP, PE, PS
- Pyrometer optris CT P7 for measurement of foils PET, PU, PTFE, PA or CTA
CSlaser | CTlaser series
- Pyrometer optris CSlaser LT
- Pyrometer optris CSlaser 2M for metalic surfaces
- Pyrometer optris CSlaser G5HF for Glass
- Pyrometer optris CTlaser LT / LTF
- Pyrometer optris CTlaser 0,5M for Μolten Μetals - Μetals
- Pyrometer optris CTlaser 1M/2Μ for Metals - High Temperatures
- Pyrometer optris CTlaser 3Μ for Metals - Low Temperatures
- Pyrometer optris CTlaser MT - through NG flame temperature measurement
- Pyrometer optris CTlaser F2 / F6 - flame gases temperature measurement
- Pyrometer optris CTlaser G5 - for Glass
- Pyrometer optris CTlaser G7 - for Ultra Thin Glass and Plastics
- Pyrometer optris CTlaser P7 - for thin plastic PET, PU, PTFE, PA, CTA and glass surfaces
Video and Ratio Pyrometers OPTRIS High Performance
- Pyrometer Ratio optris CS Vision R1M, two step BRF, for very high brightness objects
- Pyrometer optris CS Vision R2M, two step BRF, for very high brightness objects
- Ratio pyrometer optris CTratio 1M for extremely high-temperature measurement of metals
- Ratio pyrometer optris CTratio 2M for extremely high-temperature measurement of metals
- Pyrometer optris CSvideo 2M for Μetals
- Pyrometer optris CTvideo 1M/2M for Μetals
- Applications
- Diagnostic Services
- Thermography Training and Certification
Thermokameres-Ulirvision Portable and Affortable
- Thermal Cameras T70|T50 - Rugged Integrated Thermographic Systems, For Experts, Measurement Precision, Productivity, Crystal Imaging Quality
- Thermal Cameras T6|T5 - Compact Thermographic Systems, Premium Performance, Excellent Costruction Quality
- Thermal Cameras TI400S/TI600S Premium Configuration and High Resolution
- Thermal Imager TI395, Double Vision,High Performance, Rich Features
- Thermal Imager TI175
- Cooled Thermographic Systems IMAGE IR Leading Edge Configurations
- Thermographic systems VarioCAM®HD Reference Performance and Quality
Thermal Cameras for Fever Detection
- Thermal Imager Optris Χi400 T010- Stationary Configuration, for Human Inspection Temperature Measurement
- Thermal Imager TI160 - P11, Fever Scanning, Dual Vision, Stationary Thermographic System, Measurement Accuracy 0.3°C, with optional Black Body
- Thermal Imager TI160 - P1, Dual Vision, Accurate Meaurement 0.5°
- Thermal Imager TI160 - P5, Dual Vision, Accurate Meaurement 0.5°
- Thermography - Theory
- Ultrasonic Cameras
Pyrometer optris CT G5 for glass temperature measurement