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Optris’ infrared cameras are fully radiometric stationary thermographic systems with an excellent price-performance ratio. The thermal imaging cameras are connected to a PC via USB and they are immediately ready to be used. Temperature data is displayed through the license-free analysis software Optris PIX Connect.
Designed and Built by fast developing Company in thermal imaging Ulirvision. Based on ground standing reliability in operations, their dynamic position in market is further enhanced by rich technical features. Destined for simple daily routine spot inspections up to Demanding and High Productivity of Utmost Precision Thermographic Surveys
Stationary Thermographic System Infratec GmbH, Leading Edge Geometrical, Thermal Resolution, Speed up to KHz .. for Research, Development, Quality Assurance .. Spectral Thermorgaphy, for the utmost demanding and innovative applications
Thermocameras VarioCAM High Definition
Thermographic systems of German manufacturer Jenoptik AG and Infratec GmbH may conveniently fulfill up to the most demanding requirements of any applications in thermography and thermal monitoring and control
Thermal Cameras for Fever Detection
Mobile and Stationary Thermal Cameras for Installation at Areas of People Gathering. Specially configured to Support Public Health Protection. At Aiports, Stations, Commercial Centers, Public Buildings, Stadiums ..
Thermography - Theory
Thermography is science and art of taking, archiving, processing of thermal data, from surface of materials, equipments, systems with a specific useful content. Pre-requirements: special equimpent, theoretical knowledge, experience and intiutive skills, for successful thermography




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    54624 Thessaloniki – Makedonia - GREECE
    Tel. 00302310268490
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